Water Not Hype

At Niagara, we believe in healthy hydration without the hype. Flashy, extravagant, frilly, expensive…that’s never been our way.

We value family and community. That’s why we’re doing our part to create a more sustainable future, like reducing our carbon footprint through our lightweight packaging, switching to electric vehicles, and installing solar panels. But we can’t do it alone. Take the pledge to do your part by recycling, and we promise we’ll do ours. Together, we can make actionable change in our communities.

Recyclable Bottle AND CAP

Our bottles and caps are made of PET which has the lowest environmental impact of any bottling material.


Our Eco-Air Package® uses the least amount of plastic possible, reducing CO2 emissions when transporting.


It takes roughly half the fossil fuels to make our PET plastic bottles vs. aluminum cans.


Some of our facilities use solar panels and electric forklifts, which help us reduce our carbon footprint.

*Excludes label and outer packaging, which may not be recyclable in your area.


Niagara created a fake water brand to prove a very real point. Watch as people fall for the hype—and check out their reactions when they find out the truth.

Curious about bottled water facts and science?

Learn more from the Drinking Water Research Foundation


Keep up with all the refreshing fun on social!