take the waterhood pledge

A promise to always recycle.

The Waterhood™ is a group of individuals committed to creating a better community through their everyday choices, starting with recycling.

For every pledge, Niagara will donate $5 to The Recycling Partnership!*

Fill in the form OR upload a photo on social media with the hashtag #NiagaraWaterhoodPledge.

*Up to $50,000 in 2023 | This promotion is managed by Niagara Bottling. Participation in this promotion is subject to our privacy policy.

I pledge to always recycle

*Up to $50,000 in 2022 | This promotion is managed by Niagara Bottling. Participation in this promotion is subject to our privacy policy.


Our Partners

The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) is the leading not-for-profit organization dedicated to building strong, healthy and resilient communities through the power of parks and recreation.

Keep America Beautiful believes in the shared responsibility to build and maintain clean, green, and beautiful spaces. Taking action every day to ensure that everyone in America lives in a beautiful community.

As a leading, national force for improving recycling, The Recycling Partnership puts private dollars to work in communities, investing in a system to protect resources, empower sustainable action and unlock opportunity.


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